Low battery cutoff circuit with lm319 and 555 timer

Battery-Low Indicator Rechargeable batteries should not be discharged below a certain voltage level. This lower voltage limit depends upon the type of the battery. This simple circuit can be used for 12V batteries to give an indication of the battery voltage falling below the preset value. The indication is in the form of a flickering … Read more

Simple piano or electronic organ project

Introduction In present day virtual age, electronic gadgets have end up an essential a part of our lives, which include musical devices. One fascinating task for music fans and electronics hobbyists is building a easy electronic piano or organ the use of an astable circuit. An astable circuit is a sort of oscillator that generates … Read more

Noise intensity meter circuit

Reason of the use of noise intensity meter Noise pollution is tends to many non-communicable diseases and. Safe level of noise is considered up to 30 dB. Here is a interesting circuit by dreamlover technology, “Noise Meter” used to measure the level of noise indicting by LED and in addition it give warning when noise … Read more

Simple Crystal AM Transmitter Circuit

What is a Crystal AM Transmitter? A crystal AM transmitter is a radio transmitter that uses a crystal oscillator to generate the service frequency. The crystal oscillator is an exceedingly solid device that produces a very precise frequency, which is essential for AM transmitters. The audio signal is then modulated onto the carrier frequency with … Read more

Simple led flip flop circuit with s8050 or Bc547 transistor

A flip-flop LED light with two NPN transistors either S8050 or bc547 transistors and two LEDs is an electronic device that can alternate the lighting of two LEDs in sequence. The circuit is easy to build, affordable, and provides a switching mechanism to display alternating LED patterns. Here are the steps involved in building a … Read more

IR2153 push-pull inverter project

this project that I am sharing today is an IR2153 push-pull inverter, the circuit converts 12VDC volt from a battery to 220v AC voltage. The circuit uses IR2153 ic as the oscillator and MOSFETs to drive the transformer and it is in a push-pull configuration to get a high-efficiency voltage conversion. Here are the steps … Read more