Dspic30f2010 MPPT Solar Controller project


Solar energy is one of the most supportable wellsprings of energy accessible today. As solar boards become more reasonable and proficient, they are turning out to be progressively famous for both private and business use. In any case, to boost the energy yield from a solar board, it is vital to utilize a solar controller that can follow the maximum power point (MPP) of the board. One such controller is the DSPIC30F2010, which is an ideal microcontroller for carrying out an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Following) solar controller project.

The DSPIC30F2010 is a strong 16-bit microcontroller from Computer Chip Innovation that offers a great many elements, including an incorporated ADC, PWM yields, and a superior exhibition CPU. These elements pursue an optimal decision for executing an MPPT calculation for a solar controller project. The coordinated ADC can gauge the voltage and current of the solar board, while the PWM results can be utilized to control the obligation pattern of a DC converter. The elite presentation CPU can handle the MPPT calculation progressively, guaranteeing that the solar board is continuously working at its maximum power point.

To execute an MPPT solar controller utilizing the DSPIC30F2010, the initial step is to choose a fitting DC converter. The DC converter is liable for venturing down the high-voltage DC result of the solar board to a lower voltage that can be utilized to drive the heap. The decision of the DC converter will rely upon the information voltage reach and power rating of the solar board. A few normal sorts of DC converters that can be utilized incorporate buck-help, SEPIC, and Cuk converters.

The subsequent stage is to execute an MPPT calculation to follow the MPP of the solar board. There are a few MPPT calculations accessible, yet the most well-known ones are Irritate and Notice (P&O), Steady Conductance, and Fragmentary Open Circuit Voltage. These calculations work by ceaselessly changing the obligation pattern of the DC converter to follow the MPP of the solar board. The DSPIC30F2010 can be modified to run any of these calculations continuously.

The DSPIC30F2010 can likewise be utilized to carry out a UI for monitoring and controlling the solar controller. This should be possible by utilizing an LCD show, pressing buttons, or a sequential point of interaction (like UART or SPI). The UI can be utilized to show the ongoing power result of the solar board, the battery voltage, and other pertinent data. The client can likewise utilize the connection point to change the MPPT calculation boundaries, for example, the step size and the assembly measures.

One of the upsides of involving the DSPIC30F2010 for an MPPT solar controller project is its capacity to deal with different hindrances and perform ongoing calculations. The microcontroller can deal with hinders from the ADC, the PWM yields, and the UI, while at the same time playing out the MPPT calculation calculations. This guarantees that the solar board is continuously working at its maximum power point, much under changing ecological circumstances.

All in all, the DSPIC30F2010 is an ideal microcontroller for carrying out an MPPT solar controller project. Its incorporated ADC, PWM results, and superior execution CPU make it a fantastic decision for carrying out an MPPT calculation, controlling the DC converter, and giving a UI to monitoring and controlling the solar controller. With its ongoing handling abilities, the DSPIC30F2010 guarantees that the solar board is continuously working at its maximum power point, bringing about maximum energy results and effectiveness.

Functions of this Dspic30f2010 Mppt

1. High working efficiency of 90%

2. High input voltage up to (250V PV voltage)

3. High charging current up to 70A

4. The mppt controller automatically detects the batteries. It will charge 12V, 24V, 36V, 48V, 72V, 96V, 120V, 144V battery systems etc.

5. IGBT Driver circuits use TLP250 as an Isolator driver for IGBT.

6. IGBT protection circuit to protect the igbt’s when there is a fault.

7. Over current protection,

8. solar or PV surge protection

9. 3 stages of charging control.

10. It can be used to replace alternative MPPT controller boards.

11. Over temperature protection;

12. Over PV voltage protection

13. Interleaved change topology

14. No programming is needed to burn the hex file into the dspic30f2010.

Note the inductor value 

68uh or 73uh each can work  AWG 0.8mm (i.e, gauge 20 copper wire can withstand 5Amps, so the more wires, the more current in each of the inductors  )

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